Private PARTY!!!

Event description

  • Dato: Jan 24, 2009
  • Tempo: 21:00
  • Address: Adreso videbla por ĉeestantoj

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This Saturday exceptionally NO MEETING AT CAFE LIVRE, but a party in a private appartment

POLYGLOT is proud to invite you to the POLYGLOT private PARTY!

to exchange all languages and cultures in a friendly atmosphere.


We will provide drinks (all you can drink) including :

Soft drinks,

TGV (Tequila, Gin, Vodka),


for the price of 10 euros

You will receive an invitation

with address, entrance code and meeting details

around 22 January 2009 - only if you have registered to this meeting.


If you bring some guests with you, please reply to the invitation message and give your guests' names.

Watch out: number of participants is limited !! 40 ONLY!

First registered (and VIPs) have priority

You will have to come with your guests and give your Polyglot username at the entrance door.

When ?

Saturday 24 January 2009

From 9 PM till 2 AM

Where ?

In a private appartment, right in the Center of Paris (4th district)

New! Join 120+ TRIPS from Paris, designed for polyglots!


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Ili parolas pri ni!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


aligatus profile picture aligatusJanuary 2009
Pour les gens qui ce sont inscrits en retards par exemple aujourd'hui, comment auront ils l'adresse. Merci.
lingo_conqo profile picture lingo_conqoJanuary 2009
Hello Tchai,  the address will be sent to you in your polyglot mailbox. Also, the organisers will count the number of participants (along with the people they bring) and send the address accordingly so as not to exceed the maximum limit as we are constrained by the space. Please be patient for a while and you'll be notified automatically when you have the address. If you have more questions,  just scrap on the wall.
tchai profile picture tchaiJanuary 2009
hi, I really can't find the adress anywhere on polyglot !.........
lingo_conqo profile picture lingo_conqoJanuary 2009

Polyglots, you can continue to register for this party. We will put you on the waiting list and contact you  if the registered members refuse to confirm their arrival or show up.

Registered members are requested to confirm their arrival and give their names along with the number of guests they bring to Vincent.

Polyglots, vous êtes invités à continuer vous inscrire, les nouveaux inscrits seront sur la liste d'attente, on vous appelera  à nous joindre si des inscrits annulent ses arrives.

Egalement, les inscrits sont invités à confirmer ses arrives (avec leurs amis)  à Vincent.

vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2009

Je viens d'envoyer les invitations DANS LA BOITE INTERNE POLYGLOT (et non pas dans votre boite email) aux 40 inscrits,

merci de répondre au message pour confirmer.

En fonction des confirmations, j'indiquerai s'il reste des places ... Je pense que oui, donc vous pouvez continuer à vous inscrire :-)

NB : une erreur s'est glissée dans mon invitation (version anglaise). j'ai laissé les informations qui datent du jour de l'an. Le prix est

10 euros et la date ce samedi


I have just sent the invitation to the registered members (INTERNAL MAILBOX and not your personal email)

Thanks for confirming by replying to the message.

According to number of confirmations, i'll let you know if there is still some room available. I think yes, so you can keep on registering.

NB : there was an error in the English version of the invitation. The price is 10 euros and the day is this saturday

vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2009

registered will receive the address in a few days

batavianlady profile picture batavianladyJanuary 2009

where the exact address please?
