Trip to Bruxelles

Descrierea evenimentului


vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2009
futchibow profile picture futchibowJanuary 2009
Alors ça y est tout le monde a plus ou moins booké son voyage...

On sera 8 à 9 personnes dans le meme auberge.

A ce propos, je dois vous prévenir que les groupes de plus de 6 ne sont pas acceptés même répartis dans des chambres différentes...

bizarre mais on s'en moque...AU CAS OU SEULEMENT, on ne se connait pas LOL et on s'est rencontrés sur place...le hasard !!!!

faudrait pas qu'on nous vire...

Voila c'était pour vous tenir au courant.

A bientot

Everybody has but finalised their trip tickets and reservation.

We expect 8 to 9 people staying in the same hostel.

The hostel does not accept groups larger than 6 people even in diffrent rooms, weird but true!!

We dont care but JUST IN CASE let's pretend we dont know each other LOL and that we'd just met there by chance

better not be kicked out of the hostel...

see ya


vincent -cyril - futchi - Elvira


Guy + guest


futchibow profile picture futchibowJanuary 2009

Don't worry, reservation is OK.

You have nothing to pay now. You'll pay 38 € when we get to the Hostel.

Well, as I am getting much better I might show up on Saturday...

See ya later
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2009
Merci futchi!!

i'll B there on saturday

pat profile picture patJanuary 2009
Sincerely wish that I could take part, but with my exams only weeks away, it would not be the right thing to do. Anyhow, Njoy! Spare a thought and a beer!
Elvira84 profile picture Elvira84January 2009
Ah, ok futchi. Thanks.

Combien est-ce qu'on doit payer pour la reservation.  Arggg my writen french suks, i hope i´ll get better soon :S

Tell me if you are finally going to the saturday meeting and how much do i have to give you.

J'espére que tu est mieux de ta maladie

À plus
futchibow profile picture futchibowJanuary 2009
Elvira, Vincent, la réservation a été confirmée pour les 2 nuits : 38 €/personne.
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2009

  i have tried to book but my credit card is not working for them

so i have asked cyril or futchi to send their credit card number + expiration date,