Descrierea evenimentului

est fier de vous inviter à sa
Tongue and Body Language
Huuuuuge PARTY

TOUS les PREMIERS VENDREDIS du mois, à partir du vendredi 6 février 2009 de 21h30 au bout de la nuit. La fête aura lieu au SAI SAI avec un bar (au rez de chaussée) et un bar & piste de danse (au sous-sol).

ENTREE + 1 CONSO (soft/bière) =

7 euros

Pour les CONSO SUPPLEMENTAIRES, TARIF SPECIAL: 4 euros pour les POLYGLOTS enregistés et tous ceux qui porteront le badge qui leur sera remis à l'entrée

Vestiaire gratuit!

  Click here to REGISTER!

Due to the success of such parties and the remarkable setting of this venue, Polyglot is glad to propose regular events at the Sai Sai, EVERY FIRST FRIDAY of the month.

The organization will allow for easier and more efficient exchanges in foreign tongues. As you enter the club, we will issue name tags in the form of stickers. Your badge will display your name and/or pseudo on the Polyglot Website, as well as the languages that you wish to practice that particularly night.

We will ask you to keep your name tag throughout the whole night at the Sai Sai, as this will also identify you as a member of the Polyglot Community. Your name tag will also enable you to get discount prices for your drinks!

From 9:30 pm to midnight:  Practice ALL LANGUAGES

  club encourages you to avoid speaking your native language
with another member if you share the same mother tongue

From midnight:    Dancing 'BODY LANGUAGE'

4 rue Sainte-Beuve
75006 Paris

Métro : Notre-Dame des Champs (ligne 12) ou Vavin (ligne 4)

En plein coeur du sixième arrondissement, ' Le Saï-Saï ' est un lieu dédié à l'art, la musique et à la convivialité. Au rez-de-chaussée, dans un cadre d'inspiration africaine, le bar ' Saï -Saï ' vous propose entre autres nos cocktails aux saveurs de la brousse. Au sous-sol, le bar ' groovy' où l'espace se transforme au gré des programmations en café -concert, club de jazz, salle de spectacle puis en discothèque avec DJ set jusqu'au bout de la nuit.

Saturday POLYGLOT PARTY at Matt<                                                                                                              B>                                                                                                              POLYGLOT PARTY !!<                                                                                                              /B>                                                                                                               (paris, France)<                                                                                                              B>                                                                                                              POLYGLOT PARTY !!<                                                                                                              /B>                                                                                                               (paris, France)

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Vorbesc despre noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


pat profile picture patFebruary 2009
As I said, sorry for those who had to wait outside, Raj who was taking care of the cloak room was new at the job, so he did the best he could. The Sai Sai WILL be more organized next time =)

See you all again, Friday 6 March =)
vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009

Thanks for comment!

This place is getting very small now : Polyglot Club is paying its success!!

Really sorry for the inconvenience.

We are working hard to find a BIG (500 people) place for friday night events.

Sai Sai can allow at maximum 150

If you know a place like that available every first friday, please tell us!

kalany profile picture kalanyFebruary 2009
Hello to all,

From my side and for few of my friends as well, we were very upset of the organisation of this first "huge friday party".

Though we were arriving quite on time at 9.45 pm, we were enable to get in because 4 persons only are allowed to enter every 15 mn or maybe more...we don't even know how long we have to wait as there was already a long queue and nobody was able to inform people waiting outside.

Obviously there were too much participants maybe for a too small location.

That's really a shame.

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
Merci pour votre participation hier et n'oubliez pas la soirée d'échange linguistique ce soir !!

pat profile picture patFebruary 2009
Many thanks to all of you who dropped by, last night! Sorry for the wait outside, Raj who was taking care of the cloak room was new at the job, but he did it well =) Hope to see you all again, Friday 6 March =)
vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
We are going to be A LOT!!

please try to come early (21h30) or late (23h30) if you don't want to wait ...

see you tonight
pat profile picture patDecember 2008
Given the GREAT success of the Polyglot Club events at the SAI SAI, we decided to take up residence there. Hence, as of Friday 6 February 2009, you will be able to find the same warm and cosy atmosphere of the SAI SAI, as well as the friendly and welcoming Polyglot Club members on a REGULAR basis, EVERY FIRST FRIDAY of the month! So, rejoice, brush up your tongues and your moves and join in!