English ONLY - Conversation Class

Event description

  • Petsa: Oct 27, 2010
  • Oras / Panahon: 18:45
  • Tirahan: Nakikita ang lugar para sa mga dadalo

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Hello English language learners !

Wanna practice ?


  WHAT ?

Polyglot is proud to launch a NEW concept:

Group conversation class for English learners. English native speakers are welcome. However, only English will be spoken.

French is only allowed for SINGLE word definitions.

This English conversation class is geared towards *Low intermediate* to *Intermediate* learners of English (C.E.C.R. level A2-B2).

We will be immersed in topical discussions, role plays, skits, quizzes, dialogs, and MORE FUN and EFFECTIVE activities to get you up and talking! The goal is to focus on the ORAL use of English ONLY!

There will be some writing activities, but we will concentrate on speaking first and foremost!

To help you with your learning, do not forget to bring a pen, paper, dictionary and all the resource you might need. But remember, what matters during this conversation class is *spontaneity*!

Now, you ARE interested...

Good !

All you need to do is click on the link "REGISTER HERE" NO LATER than Monday 8pm!

The class will only be held with a MINIMUM of 6 participants. If we do not reach this number by Monday 8pm, the class will be automatically cancelled. It is your responsibility to check on Monday 8pm if we have reached that minimum number of participants.

On Tuesday 6:45pm, you will have to pay a SMALL  tuition fee of

- 7€ = for regular participants

- 5€ = for Permanent Badge holders

This tuition fee is for ONE hour conversation class. Please bring some small change, because we do not carry large amounts of cash. Also, remember the *Drink Policy*!

NOW, you are ready to learn !

RIGHT after this conversation class, we will begin our weekly Polyglot Club ALL languages exchange party. So, you are welcome to stay and keep practicing English and ALL languages will participants from ALL over the world! 


  WHEN ?


Every Tuesday, starting 25 October 2011 from 6:45 pm until 7:45 pm.

Beware, class will begin PROMPLY at 6:45 pm!



182 rue Saint-Martin

75003 Paris

Metro: Chatelet - Les Halles (lines 1, 4, 7, 11, 14, RER A, B, C)


New! Join 120+ TRIPS from Paris, designed for polyglots!


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Mga komento

NAGNETTE profile picture NAGNETTEMarch 2006

J'ai longtemps hésité à assister à une rencontre Polyglot. Mon horrible accent, mon manque de vocabulaire me faisaient craindre le ridicule.

Mais, vous êtes tous si gentils et compréhensifs que je reviendrai avec plaisir.

Coralie a autant apprécié que moi et a déjà fait de la pub auprès de ses ami(e)s.

Je suis d'accord avec Vince, le dimanche, nous sommes plus disponibles et l'endroit est vraiment sympathique.

Alors à bientôt au Shainez.

patipiq profile picture patipiqMarch 2006

I want to thank all the  members  at the last PLAC  for their active participation, eagerness and overall enthusiasm. This is soooo regenerating! I am already  looking forward to the next group language exchange.

Again, if any of you wants to organize such gathering, propose games/activities, or do it in any other vernacular, feel  free to do so =)



vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2006

Je n'étais pas là mais j'ai eu des échos : il paraît que c'était très bien ...

Je pense qu'il vaut mieux faire ça le dimanche plutot que le vendredi (précédent PLAC au Shainez). Le vendredi est trop occupé alors que le dimanche, le salon est ouvert uniquement pour nous à partir de 15h

On peut faire ça un autre dimanche ? What do you think ??


johek profile picture johekMarch 2006
C'était trop sympa!! J'ai beaucoup aimé! J'espère à bientôt à tout le monde!
ram profile picture ramMarch 2006
I'll be here.

thanks a lot Pat for this wonderful idea and for organisation.

see you

patipiq profile picture patipiqMarch 2006

No worries, Nagnette =)

As Vince mentioned, during PLAC (Polyglot Language Course), French is only allowed to clarify single/isolated words. Yet, this should not discourage any newcomer. This approach is designed to ensure maximum  practice of the target language (here: English) and the least possible use of  your mother tongue. Ultimately, it enables the participants to focus on the  study in point. And I must say it  flowed quite smoothly in the past!

I  read with delight  that  SIXTEEN members already registered. Good on ya! See you then, then =) 

NAGNETTE profile picture NAGNETTEMarch 2006

Dear Vincent,

For this time, I dare coming to your next meeting, thanks to your encouragements.

But I ring a bell to you : the right that you have given to me to use French when the english words will miss me.

Doubtless, I shall come  with one or two  persons.

See you soon


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2006

Afer the success of the first English PLAC (Polyglot LAnguage Course) at the Shainez, we wanted to do another one here but on a quiter day. Please, register if you wanna come.

Also, I remind you of the next PLOC  (Polyglot Learn Other Cultures)  on Saturday 8th of April at a member's place in St Cloud : register here.

See u all :):)