LIGUE MONDIALE 2008 Volley France Bresil

وصف الحدث

  • التاريخ: Jun 21, 2008
  • وقت: 19:30
  • العنوان: العنوان مرئي لكل مشترك

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Vamos se encontrar  antes do evento - proxima semana eu vou postar um lugar de encontro perto de Bercy , e meu celular

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Ainda tem lugares com 15€ ( tribune populaire )


If ever you wanna go to assist France Brazil ( volleyball ), Saturday the 21st, Bercy Palais omnisport

Next week, I will  post  the meeting place near Bercy, at 19h30, and my celular

See you!


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lucidan profile picture lucidanJune 2008

lugar do encontro: o cafe ( o en frente do cafe ) na saida do Metro Bercy ( no cruzamento Boulevard de Bercy com Rue de Bercy ) :

o jogo vai começar a 20h30 , e melhor chegar no cafe ? entre 19h00 / e até 19h30 ? meu celular e 0616141209 , dan

cuidado, ja comprei meu bilhete na Fnac, não sei si e possivel comprar no lugar ( Palais Omnisport de Paris Bercy ), si ainda tem vagas!

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place of meeting, inside ( or in front ) the  cafe at the crossroads of Rue de Bercy, and Bvd de Bercy, just near the way out of  Metro Bercy, My mobile is 0616141209 dan, between 19h and 19h30 ..

I beleive it is better to buy the entrance ticket  at Fnac Spectacles , because I don' t know it is possible directly at the POPB, Palais Omnisport Paris  Bercy, if ever it's not sold out!

see you