Shainez : English meeting #1

Ürituse kirjeldus

  • Kuupäev: Mar 03, 2006
  • Aeg: 20:00
  • Aadrees: Address visible for attendees

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Hello English language learners !

Wanna practice ?

  WHAT ?

Polyglot is proud to host another FREE Group Language Exchange for English learners. Our English native (anglophones) friends are welcome. However, only English will be spoken. French only allowed for single word definition.

  WHEN ?

On Friday 3rd of March from 8:00 pm to around 10:00 pm


At the  Oriental Tea House  - (Narguilés are available)  at the bottom of the butte Mont Martre.


45, Rue de Clignancourt
75018 Paris
Métro : Arrêt Anvers


Link  to the Shainez site


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Nad räägivad meile!

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Gorgia profile picture GorgiaMarch 2006

C u on friday!


patipiq profile picture patipiqMarch 2006

About a possible Polyglot Language Class (PLAC) on  (any) Sunday afternoon around 3pm, I am open. Do not hesitate to post your comments regarding this day.

  It can be in English, Spanish, Italian, or any other vernacular as long as there are enough potential participants.

sam12 profile picture sam12March 2006

Cannot attend but I sure it will be great

see you next time


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2006

Bonsoir à toutes et à tous,

Ca n'a pas beaucoup à voir avec l'apprentissage des langues mais plus avec celui des cultures mais, pour ceux qui étaient là à la dernière rencontre au Shainez, si ça vous dit, on peut se retrouver vendredi prochain 10 mars à 19h30 à la Pachanga pour un cours de salsa cubaine débutant, puis 20h30 pour niveau intermédiaire suivi de la soirée (10€ les 2 cours plus la soirée plus un coktail).

La Pachanga est accessible ligne 6 (Edgard Quinet) ou ligne 13 (Gaité) ou Montparnasse. C'est dans la rue Vandamme (toute petite rue).

Voici le site :

Je vous conseille de manger juste avant et de prévoir 10€ en liquide car ils acceptent la carte pour moins de 15€.

A vendredi !!


Gorgia profile picture GorgiaMarch 2006

I was great! I hope we'll have other "classes" like that.

Thanks to Pat and Vince.

Sunday afternoon is ok to me. (Not the next one but later on)


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2006

Thank you very much Pat for this wonderful organization. It was very professional. Very original games. I also really had a blast!! :):)

Too bad it could not last longer so everybody can know each other ...

I discussed with the bar tender and he said sunday afternoon, he usually opens at 3pm (or 4)  but can open earlier for us.

What do you think of doing the same thing one sunday afternoon around 2pm ??

Do you have other suggestions for setting up another PLAC ??



patipiq profile picture patipiqMarch 2006

Thank you all for coming and for your participation. Personally, I had a blast!

Do not hesitate to post your suggestions for further such PLAC (Polyglot Language Exchange Class). And while you're at it, tell us what time of week and day best fit your busy schedules =)

Bye for now, keep up the good work!

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2006

We will try to organize such meetings on a regular basis : possibly every week if people are interested. See you next time Nagnette. See you tonight for the others :)