Île-de-France - Polyglot 네트워크

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Île-de-France Polyglot 네트워크에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

Dear polyglots in Paris area,

If you want to practice ANY LANGUAGE (written or spoken) for free, join the official Discord server ”Polyglot Club Paris”. This server is specially dedicated to members of the Paris region and Ile de France. Once in the main lobby, join a LANGUAGE room (text or voice chat).

Connect to Chat Server: https://polyglotclub.com/chat

Best, The Polyglot Club Paris team


luizah profile picture luizahFebruary 2014
luizah Salut, Je besoin aide avec le Français, je peux t'aider avec le Portugais. Merci
  • HugoGivo profile picture HugoGivoFebruary 2014
    Oi Luizah, queria melhorar o meu português, especialmente aprender um português mais formal e adquirir mais vocabulario. Posso te ajudar em Francês.
camara65 profile picture camara65February 2014
salut j'aimerais bien trouvé un job si pouvé m'aidé je suis au sénégal
BERCLOUDS profile picture BERCLOUDSFebruary 2014

Bonjour ,

je souhaite savoir si les réunions  polyglotte existe toujours sur Boulognes Billancourt ?

les dernieres dates de 2012 .


Merci Beaucoup


CelineAngele profile picture CelineAngeleFebruary 2014
Hello there, my name is Céline, I am French and I would like to improve my English with English native speakers around my age (I'm 27). Of course I can teach French in return, let me know!
Quentin75013 profile picture Quentin75013January 2014


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