Île-de-France - Сеть Polyglot

Добро пожаловать в Сообщество Polyglot Île-de-France!

Dear polyglots in Paris area,

If you want to practice ANY LANGUAGE (written or spoken) for free, join the official Discord server ”Polyglot Club Paris”. This server is specially dedicated to members of the Paris region and Ile de France. Once in the main lobby, join a LANGUAGE room (text or voice chat).

Connect to Chat Server: https://polyglotclub.com/chat

Best, The Polyglot Club Paris team


arum_choi profile picture arum_choiOctober 2017
I'm Korean, living in Paris actually, and I want to improve my English. If someone wants to practice Korean or French, it will be great to teach you!
Zbou profile picture ZbouJuly 2017

Bonjour Pour des besoins personnels, mais surtout professionnels, je souhaite améliorer mon anglais à l'écoute, à l'écrit tout comme à l'orale en échangeant avec des personnes vivant dans un pays anglophone ou parlant couramment l'anglais. Merci par avance

ma_xiaoxue profile picture ma_xiaoxueMay 2017
Quiero practicar español,我可以教你中文,we can practice english,on peut pratiquer langue français pour echanger.
pris_ka profile picture pris_kaApril 2017
Bonjour, j'ai également besoin de pratiquer mon anglais je serais heureuse de vous aider mon votre français !
ARatih profile picture ARatihFebruary 2017
Hi. I am Ratih, from Indonesia, i want to improve my french and English, and i can teach you Bahasa Indonesia.
bilal_nazi profile picture bilal_naziJanuary 2017
Hello everyone,
I am Bilal, Is there any body to help me to learn french, in exchange i can help you to learn english.
xav_giraud profile picture xav_giraudJanuary 2017
I am French, 42, living near Paris and new on Polyglot club.

I want to improve my English, written to start, via email or other, exchanging on the news, music (rock, metal), movies, TV shows, books, video games or life in general, with people with native English people ... And if affinities, later, why not exchange viva voce?

And of course I can do the same for people wishing to improve their French.

Thank you for your returns !
muhammad_r profile picture muhammad_rDecember 2016
please, i need some one to teach me, how to right speaking english and more vocab


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