Members Gathering, Giza NileTrianon in front of Sheraton Cairo,

Esemény leírása

  • Dátum: Aug 31, 2007
  • Idő: 19:00
  • Cím: A résztvevők számára látható cím

Hello everybody again,

I hope you are all well and fine. I hope that message reaches you all, too. Here we are again posting a new meeting details that will be held at the end of this month near down town on the bank of the river Nile. The meeting will be held at Nile Trianon in front of Sheraton Cairo in Dokki. Everybody can reach this place as it is very near to down town.

The meeting aims at gathering all the members who live in Egypt or at least in Giza and Cairo. Other members from other governorates are very welcomed. The gathering will be very interesting as all those members will meet face to face. They will discuss all about languages and how to exchange.

Please contact me for any further details and I hope that you will take this meeting seriously.

Kind regards,

AbdelRhman El-Mawawi
Country Admin

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Media coverage - Polyglot Club


aaldip profile picture aaldipOctober 2007

hi all

regarding the meeting i want to say that ( Çáí ÝÇÊ ãÇÊ ) now i hope to have a new meeting in ramadan so plz abd alrhman why we do not make one in rammadan i think it will be very nice to meet in ramadan...bye..


aaldipaaldip profile picture

modo1984 profile picture modo1984September 2007

hay i think it was a nice 1 abdulrahman i wish i was there but i was working in this time i wish we will make another meeting 2 meet all friends in egy it will b gr8 2 no more friends




AbdelRahman profile picture AbdelRahmanAugust 2007

The meeting was cancelled due to that nobody has contacted me



AbdelRahman profile picture AbdelRahmanAugust 2007


This is the last call for the meeting. If I didn't get 20 people at least sending me their details via Polyglot messaging service, I will unfortunately cancel the meeting. Again and for the last time, please send me your full name, e-mail address and print the flyer attend the meeting.

Best regards,

--AbdelRahman El-Mawawi

  PolyGlot Egypt Admin

AbdelRahman profile picture AbdelRahmanAugust 2007

It is the 24th of the month and I still have no answer for people who will attend the meeting. Again if you are willing please read all the details about the meeting mentioned in the meetings area then send me a message on PolyGlot to list the attendees.


AbdelRahman profile picture AbdelRahmanAugust 2007

To whom it may concern:

Members who are willing to attend the meeting, please send me a message not a comment on PolyGlot to list them.


MacHassan profile picture MacHassanAugust 2007

hello abdelrahman

Its my pleasure to attend this meeting

but we need more an more details

I am from upper Egypt an need precise descreption of the place



ashraf84 profile picture ashraf84August 2007

hi all  members i am ashraf from cairo i wish we learn togethers and hope we all be one group and one hand

i will attend the meeting i want to know how we will meet and how ican know you and what we will discuss

i hope to be friend for you all and we all be strong in language