Members Gathering, Giza NileTrianon in front of Sheraton Cairo,

Event description


vera605 profile picture vera605August 2007


Nice Idea but I hope this meeting will be on friday or saturday my days off  at work and in the morning better as I live in 6 of october area and roads at the evening very difficult  I still didn registered so tell us the time and date from now

Best regards


joebadry profile picture joebadryAugust 2007

hello abdelrahman

its nice to here about this meeting ,i was hope to come and meet  you but for bad lock i don not have time becouse i live and work in matruh, i hope you and me can arrang ameeting in matruh

thanks and regards


modo1984 profile picture modo1984August 2007
its gr8 idea  but u no it will b so hard to choose the suitable time 4 all i wish i will come i think it will b hard 2 if we come coz  we dont no eachother but its really gr8 idea
ismailwahby profile picture ismailwahbyAugust 2007

Dear AbdelRhman & All Members

Pleased to hear about a gathering...

However I think the meeting has to have a purpose, just to add some action to the issue. It's a sort of advertising for our mission, seeking language learners everywhere in our country.

For the meeting to be successful, organizers have to gather more information about attendents, & also in return organizers have to make a good & clear  discussion program & set of activities,  that  should  be set by votes before hand.

We wait your suggestions.


Ismail )