Descripción del evento

  • Fecha: Sept 01, 2007
  • Tiempo: 15:00
  • Dirección: Dirección visible para los asistentes


Hi my name is Karla and I want to organizes a meeting for a cultural interchange here in Costa Rica

We can change ideas and language, all people who want to practice Spanish, English, German, Portuguese and Russian or any other language are welcome

If you are interesting please let me know

Add your name in comment with your e mail and I will contact you in order to made a monthly or weekly meeting

Please  register to the meeting  if you want to participate


Best regard


You can also contact me to karlitakarlita profile picture

¡Hablan de nosotros!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


alogz profile picture alogzSeptember 2016
A mi tambien me interesa, soy nuevo mi correo es alogzalogz profile picture
RUFFOO profile picture RUFFOOOctober 2007


Me  ínteresa bastante  poder asistir a la póxima reunión, por lo que a continuación te dejo mis datos para que podamos ponernos en contacto:

Julián Solano, msn: RUFFOORUFFOO profile picture
