Polyglot UNO



vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2008
mailing sent

Total members in Shanghai = 565
Lilywho profile picture LilywhoJanuary 2008

hey,guys,I hope I'm welcome..hehe...it's just my first time to attend polyglot meeting,how can I find you guys in the restaurant?Is there any contact person who is in charge of this meeting?

Let's get familiar with each other before the meeting so that it will not be so embarrassing when an unfamiliar face suddenly shows up in front of you guys...

wuying508 profile picture wuying508January 2008

Hey, Bas, I don't know what it is either, anyway, we will see this Sunday!

BasV profile picture BasVJanuary 2008
Cool! I'm in.... dunno what that UNO is, but it sounds like fun