Board Game Friday Night

Опис події

  • Дата: May 30, 2008
  • Час: 19:30
  • Адреса: Адреса видима для учасників

Yea! Let's play  Board Game!! So cool         

                                                              Join the Game here!!!

If you don't know what the hell Board Game is (actually I don't know either), just come to join our Polyglot Board Game Night on Friday.

You will have a lot fun and it will be a good celebration for the coming Children's Day, lol!!

25RMB/person (unlimited drink and snacks)

Time: 7:30pm 30th May (this Friday)

Address: the 3rd floor, No.180 South Yun Nan Road


地 点 : 云 南 南 路 180号 淮 云 大 厦 3楼 网 缘 茶 坊 B厅

交 通 : 地 铁 1、 2、 8号 线 和 所 有 到 人 民 广 场 的 公 车 均 可 到 达 , 一 号 线 黄 陂 南 路 站 下 沿 淮 海 路 行 至 云 南 路 , 步 行 八 分 钟 、 一 二 号 线 人 民 广 场 站 转 八 号 线 大 世 界 站 下 , 步 行 至 云 南 路 一 分 钟 。

If you come by metro: The best way is to get off at Da Shi Jie Staion (line 8), then find Yun Nan Road

                                                                              Or you can get off at South Huang Pi Road staion (line 1)

You can find more information about board game here:

As usual, feel free to contact us if you are lost:

Sean Jiang  15900598120    sean_wengo at

Eddy        13918009693

Вони говорять про нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


wuying508 profile picture wuying508May 2008
So pity! I was gonna to give you the VIP,
wuying508 profile picture wuying508May 2008
So pity! I was gonna to give you the VIP,
zwennoob profile picture zwennoobMay 2008
Oh no!!! The first meeting that I will miss! I already have something else planned so I won't be able to make it to this one. Have fun though!
vincent profile picture vincentMay 2008

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