
Description de l'évènement

  • Date: Apr 08, 2006
  • Heure: 14:00

The "Polyglot Club of Qingdao" organises a meeting the April 8th, Saturday, at the last station of bus 219, near the Donghai Hotel (Donghai Guoji Dafu).

We will walk along the coastline and stop here and there to enjoy the view and chat in french and english. There will be a french native speaker.

Ils parlent de nous !

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentApril 2006

Dear Qingdao polyglot members,

Speak to friends around you so this section can become the first polyglot chinese section : you can post that flyer around you for example in cafés, in language schools, in the street ... Print this flyer here.

Ni3 men ke3 yi gao su ni3 de pang you qu4 zhei4 ge ju4 hui4. ru3 guo Ni3 men xiang3 guang gao qing xia4 zai4 zhei4 ge zhi3 Nali

Zai4 jian4 !!

Vincent, polyglot webmaster

flykuo001 profile picture flykuo001April 2006

hi , i am happy to hear this message.

  but , i dont know if  i will be free that day

  i f i am free , i am sure to go this meeting


stevetsai profile picture stevetsaiApril 2006

i hope i will not miss this meeting.

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2006

I have sent a email notification to the Qingdao members,

Good luck for your meeting.

