Polyglot Club’s Second Meetup

Descrierea evenimentului

  • Data: Sept 24, 2016
  • Timp: 10:00
  • Adresa: Adresă vizibilă pentru participanți
  • Numărul de participanți așteptați: 6
  • Numărul maxim de participanți: 10
  • Număr de telefon: 15209212378

Dear all,

Long time no see. How is everything going? Our club is about to have our second gatherings late this month. Please prepare yourself with one or two topic(s) or question(s) that you're interested in in advance. Then we'll discuss together. The aim of this activity is to hone our basic English skills as well as strenghen our club's cohesiveness.Looking forward to your active participation.

If you still have any confusion about this activity, feel free to contact district's administrator through: 15209212378. Thanks.


Administrator of Chinese Polyglot Club of Shaanxi

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Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2016
Hello, is there an event on September 24 ?
best regards, Vincent, admin
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2015

That's GREAT, long life to Polyglot Club Shaanxi !! !! Vincent, admin