China - Rede de Polyglot

Benvido á ChinaRede Polyglot!

A clear China map with all main large cities, rivers and neighbour countries



tycha profile picture tychaOctober 2013
hi, i would like to learn more about china, culture and civilization. i just started to learn mandarin by myself!
ymt profile picture ymtOctober 2013
Economic is a unlimited method,do you think?
hackerwolf profile picture hackerwolfOctober 2013
i'm from chinese,now i want to study japanese,i can teach you chinese,
皆さん、こんにちは、私は中国から来て、現在日本語を勉強して、日本の友達を知ることができるために、日本語を勉強して、私は中国語を教えることができて、あなたが私にメールを送ると、hackerwolfhackerwolf profile picture
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2013
Voyage "Aventure" 2 semaines en Chine (Yunnan)

Bonjour à tous,
Polyglot Club organise un voyage en Chine : Une "Aventure Linguistique et Culturelle" de 2 semaines à prix réduit dans le Yunnan ou "Le pays de l'éternel printemps".
Freunde profile picture FreundeSeptember 2013
Deutsche Freunde ,wer seid ihr?