China - rete Polygloti

Welcome to China Polyglot Network!

A clear China map with all main large cities, rivers and neighbour countries



window profile picture windowNovember 2012
Who can help me learn English?
hantc profile picture hantcOctober 2012
I am diffidence
window profile picture windowNovember 2012

wang411079932 profile picture wang411079932October 2012
I want t practice my spoken English, who can help me?
yefeng profile picture yefengOctober 2012
Couple days ago, I read a news online, that's a father who killed himself just for his son didn't get the "good job". The point is that his son just got the postgraduate who learned by himself. I don't know why the father did that, and I also think it's not worthful... The education system is very important...