【English Corner】Artificial General Intelligence - self-awareness and co..., Wed, Mar 27, 2024, 7:00 ...

आयोजन का वर्णन

  • Date: Mar 27, 2024
  • Samay: 19:00
  • Address: Address visible for attendees
  • www.meetup.com

Title / 主题


Exploring Artificial General Intelligence and Self-Awareness | 探索人工一般智能和自我意识。

Topic / 话题


Unveiling the realm of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and its implications on self-awareness and consciousness. Discover the potential of AGI to comprehend tasks beyond human capabilities.


Are you pondering on the depths of self-awareness and consciousness? Delve into the realm of AGI and its capacity to mirror human cognition. Join us this Wednesday for an insightful discussion.


Attention / 注意事项


Kindly register in advance to secure your spot. Contact WeChat ID: fish_alex for further details.

请提前注册以确保您的位置。联系微信ID: fish_alex 获取更多详细信息。

Event cancellation policy: The event will be canceled if the number of attendees is less than one-third of the expected count.


Host / 主持人


Meet Paul, a doctoral student with a passion for Education Technology and Mathematics. Engage in thought-provoking discussions led by Paul, an expert in Comparative Education.


Register and Fee / 报名与费用


Admission Fee: 49¥ (Includes venue fee)


Contact WeChat ID: fish_alex

*For the latest event updates, please reach out on WeChat for confirmation.


PET【Bilingual Salon】/ 双语沙龙


Join the PET Bilingual Salon, a platform for vibrant discussions and cultural exchange. Engage with like-minded individuals to broaden your perspectives and enhance your communication skills.


PostEnglishTime(PET) / 后英语时代


Discover PET, a community of English-speaking youth in Beijing dedicated to fostering cultural exchange and language learning opportunities.


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