【Sat】PET鸡尾酒品鉴与制作工作坊 #2, Sat, Feb 24, 2024, 2:00 PM

وصف الحدث

  • التاريخ: Feb 24, 2024
  • وقت: 14:00
  • العنوان: العنوان مرئي لكل مشترك
  • www.meetup.com

Calling all cocktail enthusiasts! Join us for an immersive cocktail tasting and making workshop with certified mixologist, Simon, and delve into the vibrant world of cocktails. Learn the ins and outs of cocktail culture, social etiquette, and craft three classic cocktails under expert guidance. From theory to practice, knowledge to skills, immerse yourself in the art of mixology and experience the joy of cocktail crafting and tasting.

Title / Event Theme

PET Cocktail Tasting and Making Workshop #2 | Explore Cocktail Culture, Enjoy Mixology, Become a Cocktail Maestro

Introduction / Event Overview

With their colorful hues and delightful flavors, cocktails are a must-have for any young social gathering.

Discuss your understanding of spirits, help a friend find their perfect cocktail, or craft a special concoction to build connections – cocktails go beyond just a party skill, they are a way to enjoy and share life's flavors.

With a plethora of cocktail varieties and techniques, a systematic approach is essential to unravel the mysteries behind these delightful drinks.

PET's cocktail workshop is designed for cocktail enthusiasts looking to deepen their knowledge without breaking the bank. Led by the charismatic and knowledgeable IT aficionado, Simon, this workshop offers a practical, cost-effective, and insightful journey into the world of cocktails. In just 9 hours, you'll master cocktail theory, culture, and hands-on cocktail crafting, transforming from a novice to a savvy mixologist ready to shine at any bar or party.

Workshop 1: Cocktail Culture and Tasting

You will learn:

The past, present, and future of cocktails, understanding cocktail culture
How to evaluate a cocktail
Bar workstation essentials, cocktail tools, basic mixing techniques
Crafting Gin & Tonic, Mojito, Whiskey Sour
Introduce yourself, share memories of your first cocktail

Workshop 2: Cocktail Classification and Social Etiquette

You will learn:

Six major cocktail base spirits, various cocktail types
Practice blending, stirring, shaking, and straining techniques
Crafting Tequila Sunrise, Negroni, Gin Fizz
Introduction to social etiquette at cocktail events

Workshop 3: Advanced Mixology and Cocktail Parties

You will learn:

Understanding wine, liqueurs, beer, and their roles in cocktails
Hosting a home cocktail party
Creating your signature cocktail
Crafting Aperol Spritz, Martini, Cosmopolitan
Free exchange among participants, sharing insights gained over the 3-week workshop

Certified Mixologist Exam: Written Test + Mixology Challenge

You will gain:

Official PET Certified Mixologist certificate

Become a PET Party apprentice mixologist,
Get invited to PET cocktail social events, expand your network, and showcase your skills
Mix cocktails for friends for free, offer mixology services for a fee

Attention / Important Information

Advance registration is required, or pay an additional ¥30
Event will be canceled if participants are less than 1/3 of expected numbers
Please register promptly, thank you

Host / Facilitator

Simon / Artistic/Multi-talented/Unconventional Uncle
Simon is a quintessential multi-talented individual, with over a decade of experience in a top American tech firm, excelling as an IT guru. He enjoys running marathons, watching films, and, after mastering mixology, has become a certified mixologist hosting private cocktail parties at home. Join him in elevating your cocktail game and dazzling your friends at the bar.

Register and Fee / Registration and Cost

¥199 (Venue Fee + Admission Fee)
Add WeChat account: fish_alex for registration

PostEnglishTime(PET) / Post-English Era

PET is a thriving community of English-speaking international youth in Beijing, fostering a diverse network of locals and foreigners interested in culture, language, technology, and humanities. Join us in a journey of language exchange, cultural exploration, and community building.

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