【Sun】iAccept Toastmaster Meeting No.14 Constellation, Sun, Feb 11, 2024, 2:00 PM

Deskripsi acara

  • Tanggal: Feb 11, 2024
  • Waktu: 14:00
  • Alamat: Alamat terlihat untuk peserta
  • www.meetup.com

Embrace the Stars: Constellation and You

Constellation, a captivating topic that influences our daily lives. People not only believe in its power, but also use it to judge others. Virgos are deemed picky, Scorpios vengeful, and Taurus penny-pinching. Some even choose their partners based on zodiac signs. With so much to share about constellations, let's gather and delve into this fascinating subject. Join us now~GO~~

Venue / 会议场地
The meeting venue will be confirmed individually. Please contact us on WeChat: cutepet2015 to reserve your spot and get the latest updates.

Who we are / 我们是谁

Embrace yourself, embrace others. Transform from an ordinary "i" to an extraordinary "A".

We are not just an ordinary Toastmaster club; we strive to create a unique experience for our members. Our core values revolve around openness, diversity, inclusiveness, proactiveness, mutual respect, mutual support, and joint development. In addition to our engaging meetings, we offer intriguing workshops, entertaining warm-up games, diverse meeting vibes and dress codes, and various meeting formats such as debates and talk shows. All of these activities are based on Pathways, TI's latest self-development program, which allows participants to embark on an exciting personal growth journey tailored to their individual needs.

Toastmasters International(TI)

Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that empowers individuals with public speaking and leadership skills through its extensive network of clubs worldwide. With over 357,000 members across 143 countries and more than 16,600 clubs, Toastmasters International has been helping people from diverse backgrounds gain confidence in speaking, communication, and leadership since 1924.
Toastmasters International是一个非营利性教育组织,通过全球俱乐部网络培养个人的公众演讲和领导技能。其会员数量超过357,000人,遍布143个国家的16,600多个俱乐部。自1924年以来,Toastmasters International一直在帮助来自不同背景的人们提升演讲、沟通和领导能力,让他们更加自信。

Attention / 注意事项

Please sign up in advance to secure your spot. A venue fee of ¥30 will be charged for walk-in participants.
The event will be automatically cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected attendance.

Meeting Director

Tansy / 媒介策划
As a media planner in an international advertising company, I am passionate about learning and practicing English. Over the years, I have actively participated in various English events, always striving for improvement. I am also an avid traveler, exploring different countries and cultures. Join me in this exciting language journey!

Register and Fee / 报名与费用

Fee: 30¥ (Venue Fee + Admission Fee)
Please contact us on WeChat: fish_alex to register.
*Please note that the event information on Meetup may not be updated in time. Contact us on WeChat to confirm the latest event details.

PostEnglishTime(PET) / 后英语时代

PET is a high-quality network of English-speaking international youth in Beijing. Our aim is to foster connections between locals and foreigners who share interests in culture, language, technology, and humanities. Established in 2011 as a community of English enthusiasts for language learning, socializing, and knowledge sharing, PET has evolved into a diverse international community. We are committed to becoming a trusted platform for language exchange activities, themed sharing sessions, social events, and other community services. Join us and connect with interesting souls from all walks of life!

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