【English Corner】Artificial General Intelligence - self-awareness and co..., Wed, Aug 16, 2023, 7:00 ...


  • 日期: Aug 16, 2023
  • 时间: 19:00
  • 地址: 参与者可见的地址
  • www.meetup.com

Title / 主题

Unleashing the Potential of Artificial General Intelligence - Exploring Self-awareness and Consciousness | 释放人工通用智能的潜力 - 探索自我意识和意识

Topic / 话题

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has traditionally been designed to perform specific tasks and lacks human-like cognitive abilities and personality. However, with the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a theoretical form of AI that can understand and learn any intellectual task performed by humans, the concept of self-awareness and consciousness becomes essential. Join us this Wednesday for a captivating discussion on whether machines can ever reach this level of cognitive sophistication.

Attention / 注意事项

每周我们都会有不同的主题,请添加微信账号: fish_alex 了解更多信息。
Please sign up in advance, or pay an additional ¥30.

Host / 主持人

Paul - 保罗 / Doctoral student
Paul is a doctoral student researching Education Technology and teaching Mathematics and Physics. He recently obtained his PhD in Education Leadership and Policy (Comparative Education). With a passion for architecture, technology, and meeting new friends from around the world, Paul brings a unique perspective to the discussion.

Register and Fee / 报名与费用

49¥ (Venue Fee + Admission Fee)
请添加微信账号: fish_alex

PET【Bilingual Salon】/ 双语沙龙


PostEnglishTime(PET) / 后英语时代



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