Canada experience as a foreigner

Etkinlik Açıklaması

  • Tarih: Apr 24, 2021
  • saat: 11:30
  • ÇEVRİMİÇİ etkinliğe bağlantı: Bağlantı katılımcılar tarafından görülebilir
  • Beklenen katlılmcı sayısı: 4


I am considering moving to Canada and I am currently preparing my language tests, both in English and French.

I would like to hear from people who have tried moving to Canada, particularly to the Quebec region.

Some questions on the table:

How did you like it or not? Did you establish yourself there or did you leave after some time? Why? 

What are the things you liked and did not like of living and working in Canada?

What would you recommend to somebody who is thinking of moving there?


O Her le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada.

Tema: Polyglots - Canada as a foreigner
Hora: 23 abr. 2021 04:30 p. m. Madrid

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