Meeting for language exchange

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Kasti profile picture KastiOctober 2007

Quelle bonne idée!

Je serais heureuse d'y participer! J'ai besoin d'aide pour apprendre l'allemand, je trouverai peut-être un(e) volontaire

en échange de quelques notions de français!


belami profile picture belamiOctober 2007

cette idée de rencontre m'intéresse. J'offre le français, ma langue maternelle. Je m'intéresse à l'allemand, au russe et à l'arabe. J'ai surtout besoin de coaches dans ces deux dernières langues.

Tenez-moi au courant des dates des rencontres.

kashmore profile picture kashmoreOctober 2007

Hey Caro,

It would be fun to get together as a bunch of people. I am interested. However, as I live on the west island of montreal and have no school on fridays, I would be unable to join on October 19th. I hope the meeting goes well and that lots of people show up. Good luck.


luciexiaoliu profile picture luciexiaoliuOctober 2007


thank you for your organization, i am very intrested! if you fix a date, please tell me! i want to join!

H-O-D profile picture H-O-DOctober 2007
Hi Caro,

                              I might be up for it depending on the date cause I'm busy  for the next 2-3 weeks (midterms time at university). I would be nice  to  do some more german as I havent practiced in the last 2 years.

pat profile picture patOctober 2007
Hey Caro,

Bravo for your Polyglot Meeting! We slightly edited your text, because it is easier if ALL the users read the info right HERE. We sent your post to all the Polyglot Members living in the Montreal area (800). I do not know whether you currently live in Montreal, but in order to increase your chances for success, you may read the following paragraphs in the FAQ:

Best of luck!


Polyglot Administrator
