Language Exchange : Chinese Mandarin <=> English, French

Event description

  • תאריך: Jan 27, 2007
  • Time: 03:00

Meeting Time: Saturday, 27th January 2007

Meeting Place:    Metro Guy-Concordia, St.Mathieu Entrance

!הם משוחחים עלינו

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


lastdream profile picture lastdreamMarch 2007

Hi everybody. I have been learning english for 9 month.  I need to practise. so,  can you help me please :) 

multiglot profile picture multiglotJanuary 2007
Hello Sagitta,

It might be a good idea to allow more days between the time you post your msg, and the time of your Polyglot Meeting. This will enable Polyglot Members in your area to fit your event into their (sometimes) busy schedule =)


Sagitta_Fr profile picture Sagitta_FrJanuary 2007
The meeting will probably take place in a cafe in downtown.