I can teach French

Etkinlik Açıklaması

  • Tarih: Jan 23, 2009
  • saat: 05:00
  • Adres: Adres, katılımcılar tarafından görülebilir

Montreal Canada XD

Hi I’m looking for a language exchange partner
I can teach:
English, French and Spanish
I want to learn
Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese,  German, Portuguese, Italian

please  send me a message if interested


Address day   and time : To be decided,

Proposed date:01/23/2009

skype pcfreackxd

Bonjour, Je serais interesée à faire un échange linguistique
Je peux vous  enseigner les langues suivantes
l'Anglais le Français et l'Espagnol

J'aimerais apprendre

Chinois (Mandarin), Japanese,  Allemand, Portuguoise, Italien

Envoyez moi un message si intéressé

Lieu  de rencontre , heure et journée : à decider

date proposée: 01/23/2009


skype pcfreackxd

  me gustaría hacer un intercambio linguistico
Francés Ingles y Español, envíame un mensaje si estás interesado

Quisiera aprender

Chino (Mandarin), Japones, Aleman, portugues e Italiano


dia y hora del encuentro : a decidir


fecha propuesta: 01/23/2009

skype pcfreackxd

Hakkımızda konuşuyorlar!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


lesley92 profile picture lesley92October 2013
hello,i'd like to.but i am in china now.I want to improve my English or learn some basic french.u can send me a message if you are willing to use e-mail to practice.
David-kool profile picture David-koolDecember 2008


My nombre es David y te puedo ayudar en Chino, naci en Taiwan.

Me puedes ayudar a mejorar mi ingles :)

escrivime David-koolDavid-kool profile picture, y podemos fijar una cita tomando un caffe para comenzar que te parece?

Chau hasta pronto.

bleach4ever profile picture bleach4everDecember 2008

As I said its to be decided because i dont know at what time your going be free . I proposed the following date Jan 09, 2009 at 05:00

It can be at my house if you like

vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2008

could you precise an address, day and time
