Canada - Polyglot Ağı

Canada Polyglot Ağına Hoşgeldiniz!


File:Canada flag map.svg



borjkan profile picture borjkanJuly 2008


je suis très intéressée ! je m'appelle Marie, j'ai 16 ans et j'habite près de Paris. En revanche, je n'ai pas de webcam.. je vous laisse mon adresse mail: maryk_lf @ (pas d'espace entre f et @  @ et l).

dorom19 profile picture dorom19July 2008

Je suis Francaise et je suis professeur de francais aux USA. Je suis a la recherche de francophones qui voudraient bien participer a un echange linguistique virtuel (avec ordinateur, webcam, Skype, etc) avec ma classe. On se rencontrerait toutes les deux semaines environ a partit de septembre 2008. Vous auriez la possibilite de pratiquer votre anglais, et mes etudiants pourraient pratiquer leur francais. Je suis a la recherche de personnes serieuses seulement. Merci de me contacter au plus vite!

anaelle1984 profile picture anaelle1984April 2008
Hey !

I am a french girl and with my roomate, we really want to meet new people. We live in Ottawa, so if you are interested in a meeting, contact me. I don't know activities we can do in Ottawa, so I hope meet people who will help me to discover Ottawa !

Bye !
SerenityA profile picture SerenityAMarch 2008
The weather in Vancouver right now is beautiful, The sun is shining and the skies are blue. Not too cold, but not hot either. Just perfect. Such a wonderful day. Rare too, it usually rains in Vancouver.
catherinedel profile picture catherinedelMarch 2008
hello everyone,

how is the weather there in Canada ? Here in France it's sunny but it's little cold.
catherinedel profile picture catherinedelMarch 2008
hello everyone,

how is the weather there in Canada ? Here in France it's sunny but it's little cold.
cascendre profile picture cascendreFebruary 2008
Hello i 'm new in this site. i don't know what i tell you ut i live in france in a "ile de france", paris is capital, i know  "it is the fashion capital".... My ass!

my job is styliste wen i can and i need speak english with a correspondant.

I like the CAnada, it's just nice in tv.

I wish you a good day and see you soon!
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2008
Hi Ossena,

you can create a new meeting in Canada if you want and people will register

this is very easy just go here :

CREATE A NEW MEETING in Canada Canada 


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