Polyglot Meet and Greet!

Описание события

  • Дата: Jul 17, 2014
  • Время: 07:00
  • Адрес: Адрес, видимый участниками
  • Предполагаемое Количество Участников : 8

Hello everyone! My name is Josh and I live in Essex. I am new to the polyglot community, and would love to meet other people that share my love of languages. This would be a very informal meeting, just to meet each other and talk about languages (or whatever else you guys would want to talk about :))  This date does not have to be set, but if you would be interested in getting together to meet each other, send me a message at joshgrondinjoshgrondin profile picture

Они говорят о нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


joshgrondin profile picture joshgrondinJuly 2014
Yes of course! The date was just so I could put something down! We can do it whenever is best for everyone
Xquozojak profile picture XquozojakJuly 2014
Hey! I would LOVE to do something like this because I have seen so many polyglot meet ups but they all take place in New York or Budapest and there's no way I can make it over there on the dime. Would there be anyway to either push the date into August or have another one of these in August? Cause I'm in Québec for a month learning French