BabelFranglais: English/French exchange

Descrizione dell'evento

  • Data: Nov 25, 2011
  • Tempo : 19:30
  • Indirizzo: Indirizzo visibile ai partecipanti

Are you learning French or English?

If so, come and join us on Friday, November 25th at The Blake House for:

BabelFranglais: TorontoBabel's English/French Exchange Night 

with the collaboration of Pierre Gilbert, organizer of Le French Meetup de Toronto: 

We will suggest that you alternate 1/2 hour intervals of English and French, but of course, it's totally up to you how you decide to practice!  If there is a group that just wants to decide as they go which language to speak in, that's fine.  For the others, we will announce the change every half an hour and you can switch.

BabelFranglais will start at 7:30pm downstairs.

It is completely FREE to join us just pay for whatever you order from the bar.  Remember to tip your bartender!  We are able to use the private room at the Blake House free of charge, so be sure to support the restaurant by having dinner there or buying a few drinks.  It's a very nice place!

All levels of English and French are welcome!

BabelFranglais will be hosted by Beth, Anna, and Ben.

LOCATION: The Blake House is on Jarvis between Carlton and Wellesley.  The closest subway station is Wellesley.


PARKING  : There is free parking on Maitland Street and there is $3 validated parking at the restaurant.

Parlano di noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


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Really cool