Polyglot TorontoBabel Language Exchange

Description de l'évènement


Gabriel2atha profile picture Gabriel2athaAugust 2010

(Aug 25th) Francais, anyone?

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2010

Long Life to Polyglot Toronto / Toronto Babel !!

PinkPippi profile picture PinkPippiJune 2010

Hej hej!

I'm hoping to get out there tonight, so see you at 7:30 at the Rivoli!

TorontoBabel profile picture TorontoBabelMay 2010

Hello!  We don't have any Swedish learners at the moment, but you should definitely still come out and meet up with us!  It's lots of fun!

PinkPippi profile picture PinkPippiApril 2010

Hejsan! Jag lär svenska, eftersom jag har en svenska pojkvän.

Hiya! I intend to get out to one of these, I've been busy the past few Wednesday nights. Is anyone learning Swedish?

TorontoBabel profile picture TorontoBabelMarch 2010

it's so weird to see yourself talk! 

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2010

Hi Beth,

I saw you on TV @ Madridbabel -))