Nuit Blanche

Event description

From sunset at 6:52 pm on Saturday, October 4, to sunrise on Sunday, October 5, 2008, Toronto will be bustling with activity as thousands experience a full night of contemporary art and performance in three zones across the city.

For those interested, check out the website and choose your favorite exhibitions/installations! We can meet at Bloor and Yonge and walk around Zone A. From there, it's only a subway ride / extended walk away from the other two areas.
Говорят за нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Grace715 profile picture Grace715September 2008
So far, only two Polyglot members have registered (um, and I think one of them is me!) - but I created the same event on FB and about 6 more people have confirmed attendance. However, Nuit Blanche has been a huge event in the past, and this year will likely be no exception! Please feel free to invite as many friends as you'd like - it would be great to get to meet everyone!
jadelina profile picture jadelinaSeptember 2008
How many people are going? i'd like to try to bring myself and three-four other friends along with me.
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
A email notification has been sent to all the members in Ontario region

Total members in Ontario = 1202

best regards,

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
Very good idea, i'll inform the members from Toronto asap,

