Run Lola Run, German movie night by Lake Ontario!

आयोजन का वर्णन

  • Date: Aug 05, 2008
  • Samay: 20:45
  • Address: Address visible for attendees
The first Polyglot event of August! Come out for an evening by the lake and practice your German (and other languages!). The movie will be shown at the Sirius Satellite Stage. Bring warm clothes, it gets cool by the lake at night.
RUN LOLA RUN.TUESDAY, AUG 5. 9PM.Lola (Franka Potente) and her boyfriend Manni (Moritz Bleibtreu) must come up with 100,000 deutsche marks to pay back a gangster, who will not be forgiving when he finds out that Manni lost his money to a vagabond. Lola faces several obstacles in her high-speed effort to save Manni, losing both time and options and resorting to any means necessary. Accompanied by a pulse-pounding soundtrack, we follow Lola through every turn and every heart break as she and Manni rush forward on a collision course with fate.
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