Espresso Yourself!

Descrierea evenimentului

  • Data: Jun 13, 2008
  • Timp: 20:30
  • Adresa: Adresă vizibilă pentru participanți
In honour of Friday the 13th, the theme for this Polyglot meeting is BLACK CATS! Come wearing something to do with black cats (bonus points for whiskers). It's a half-and-half meeting, meaning that the first half of the evening, we will speak only in foreign languages (no English), and the second half of the evening, relax in English. Please feel free to invite your friends. It is important that you rsvp and include the number of people you will be bringing so that we can notify the bar. Lets end the week with some good conversation, good coffee and good luck!
Vorbesc despre noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentJune 2008
Looked like a lot of fun ! wish I could be there
pat profile picture patJune 2008
Congrats for a job well done, Naomi! A group mailing has been sent to ALL Polyglot Members living in the Toronto area. I suggest that you read the FAQ "Meetings - Tell It" to find out how to advertise your event. Enjoy the Meeting and do post the photos!
vincent profile picture vincentJune 2008

Good idea levinnao!

i'll send a mailing to the members asap

I think you have to stick posters like THIS ONE here so you can have good participation

choose places like 'cité internationale' if there are in Ontario (i'm sure there are) to stick your posters ...

