Petit déjeuner tous les vendredis , Fri, Nov 22, 2024, 7:30 AM

Opis događanja

  • Datum: Nov 22, 2024
  • Vrijeme: 07:30
  • Adresa: Adresa vidljiva polaznicima

Come and enjoy a delightful breakfast at Joyeaux Café & Restaurant, located at 551 Howe St, Vancouver. This gathering boasts a vibrant community of about 7 regular attendees, along with newcomers who may not always register through Meetup. We welcome you to join us, as you'll have the opportunity to connect with a diverse group of individuals around the table. To accommodate our meetup, the restaurant will open its doors earlier than usual, ensuring a cozy start to your Friday morning.

Exciting news! As of 2024, the annual membership fee for The Vancouver French Language Meetup group is no longer required. Feel free to order a delicious breakfast treat for yourself while mingling with fellow participants.

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