Petit déjeuner tous les vendredis , Fri, Jul 5, 2024, 7:30 AM

Ürituse kirjeldus

  • Kuupäev: Jul 05, 2024
  • Aeg: 07:30
  • Aadrees: Address visible for attendees

Experience the delight of Friday morning breakfast at Joyeaux Café & Restaurant, located at 551 Howe St, Vancouver. Our gathering welcomes a mix of regular attendees and newcomers, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere. Join us for a casual and enjoyable start to your day as we share conversations and good food around the table. The restaurant graciously opens its doors earlier than usual to accommodate our group.

Starting in 2024, The Vancouver French Language Meetup group no longer requires an annual subscription. Simply show up and enjoy a delicious breakfast of your choice. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with fellow language enthusiasts over a delightful morning meal.

Nad räägivad meile!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club