Mercredi au centre-ville, Wed, Oct 4, 2023, 6:30 PM

Опис події

  • Дата: Oct 04, 2023
  • Час: 18:30
  • Адреса: Адреса видима для учасників

To attend this event, participants are required to pay either $5 for an annual membership or $1 per meetup.
Les frais de participation à cet événement sont de 5 $ pour une adhésion annuelle ou de 1 $ par rencontre.

Join us for a unique opportunity to practice your French language skills in an intimate and relaxed setting. The venue is a cozy café that also offers delicious Lebanese street food. There will be background music playing at a comfortable volume.

Вони говорять про нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club