São Paulo - Réseau Polyglot

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Bienvenue dans le Réseau Polyglot São Paulo!

Hello there!

Talk about São Paulo region is almost the same as talk about São Paulo city -the largest city of Latin America. A multi-ethinical city, filled with beatifull places, museuns, cafes, parks, people everywhere, walking, working, living the life of the restless city.
Also, when we talk about São Paulo, we must say about it region strenght in Brazil, because São Paulo's economy is the powerfull between other regions. I addition, São Paulo is the richest cultural diversity you'll probably find in Brazil!
So, welcome to the 'drizzle land' network, more known as São Paulo!

A São Paulo Catedral. Also a city with wonderfull monuments.


rickbrasil profile picture rickbrasilSeptember 2012
hello guys, I'm rick'm trying to learn English because American football game ... in Sao Paulo put many of my team are American and I am very difficulty to communicate, especially in understanding the pronunciations of the natives, if someone is willing to help me I'll be very grateful ... I can teach Portuguese if someone is willing thanks ... sorry the writing errors
Rubenscgj profile picture RubenscgjSeptember 2012
boa noite a todos!!
Lavir profile picture LavirAugust 2012

Hi everybody. I am glad to find this place. I hope to find too a new friend it can help me improve my English. Is there someone who is willing to aid and guide me especially in speaking and understanding native English speakers, my goal is improving the TOEIC test result, today the score is 390. I would like to arrive this year in the score of the 600, I am really needing of the help of a friend's fluent in the English. I can help with learning of Portuguese. If you are interested in this issue write me. Please excuse me for eventual grammar.

Will1993 profile picture Will1993August 2012
Is there someone here to Talk in english for a while?
Will1993 profile picture Will1993August 2012
Want to speak english!
depolice2 profile picture depolice2August 2012
I would talk my best English
vxaviern profile picture vxaviernAugust 2012
eu quero aprender Portugues! I will teach you english . I will be traveling to brazil next week!