Picnic Poliglota na Ilha de Paquetá

Event description

  • Дата: Feb 27, 2021
  • Time: 10:30
  • Адрес: Address visible for attendees
  • Number of Attendees expected: 200
  • Couchsurfing
  • Facebook
  • Телефонен номер: 21969938685

Simples! Nosso próximo picnic acontecerá em Paquetá. Traga seu lanchinho pra dividir, e vamos curtir o espaço para troca de conhecimento.
Obs: Não se esqueçam de itens pessoais de grande importância, como protetor solar e canga!!

Encontro: Estação das barcas, praça XV, 10:30h (pois a barca sai às 11:30h e são 70 minutos de viagem).


The picnic will be held at Ilha de Paquetá. You must bring some dish to share and your own drink ^^

We invite everybody to our 4rd Polyglot PicNic

Cost: For Free!!!
Where: Ilha de Paquetá
Meeting: the ferry station, square XV, 10: 30h (for the boat leaves at 11: 30h and are 70 minutes' drive).
Details: a polyglot picnic with food and drinks to eat your fill! 
What should I bring?: FOOD and DRINKS, fruits, salad, cakes, sweets and whatever you wanna eat! It's also a good idea to bring a TOWEL or something to sit on and also cutlery, a plate and a cup.

We'll be waiting for you there!!

Jurobola: +55(61) 83002889; ; Naldinho +55(21) 969938685; 
georgosgeorgos profile picture
Page: Clube Poliglota Rio de Janeiro
Group: Clube Poliglota Rio de Janeiro

Говорят за нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2016

Dear meeting organizer,

Congratulations, your Polyglot group has been added on the Polyglot WIKI. 

Feel free to edit the page and add a small description of your group: 

Most Popular Polyglot Clubs in the World 



Best regards, 

Vincent, admin

thi25rio profile picture thi25rioJuly 2017
How works it? I've never been in any picnic this way
vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2016
HI there, does this event STILL take place each month ? vincent
  • georgos profile picture georgosAugust 2016
    Yes... each month... every month.... We just need to update most of the events here.... We are sharing mostly by facebook. And there are already 20 or more cities in Brazil with frequent events... some has even 3, 4 or 5 events a week.
Letutor profile picture LetutorMarch 2016
Jurobola, precisamos mudar o local desse evento pq ai ta aparecendo que sera em Paqueta.