Belgium - Мрежа на Полиглот

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LilFa26 profile picture LilFa26October 2012
Hi everybody ! Pleased to join this community ! I would like to improve my english and spanish, who can help me ?
stefanogualtiero profile picture stefanogualtieroOctober 2012
Hey there, I'm an Italian student living in Belgium and I'm looking for someone to teach me norwegian or dutch or swedish...
Rilari profile picture RilariOctober 2012
Ciao, vorrei imparare l'italiano . Moi, je peux enseigner le français. Se una personna puoi aiutarmi, sarebbe fantastico . See you
SofieVDB profile picture SofieVDBOctober 2012
Hallo, ik zou graag wat Afrikaans leren en zoek iemand uit Zuid-Afrika om mee te mailen.
Djamaleee profile picture DjamaleeeOctober 2012
Hello, I would like to practise my dutch and I can help in french.there is someone who can help me ?