Polyglot Meeting

आयोजन का वर्णन

  • Date: Jan 19, 2008
  • Samay: 20:00
  • Address: Address visible for attendees


You would like to make new friends from different countries?
You like sharing your culture and discover new ones?

Then I hope that we shall have the opportunity to meet you at the first polyglot meeting organized in Brussels the 19 of January at 20h.
It will happen in a sympatic bar/restaurant named the SISISI (you can find information regarding the SISISI on the net, here is  a map: 

Address : SISISI Chaussé de Charleroi 174, 1060, brussel, Belgium (Map?)

During this first meeting, we shall also have  the opportunity to discuss further about you 'desiderata' and the planning of future meetings.

I shall be there at 20h and a table will be booked.  To find me, you will have only to identify a man with a orange/red scarf.

If case of any problems,

do not hesitate to call me at the following phone number 04 75 55 42 73


See you?



ये हमारे बारे में बात करते हैं

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008
bonjour Chatoune,

si tu souhaites en organiser un, ce serait super

clique sur Home (à gauche) et  Create a new meeting

a bientot
CHATOUNE profile picture CHATOUNEApril 2008


Française de naissance, vivant depuis peu à Brussels, et souvent en voyage, je souhaite améliorer ma conversation anglaise par obligation et pratiquer mon espagnol qui est une langue que j'aime .

j'espère qu'il y aura bientôt un nouveau meting sur Brussels.

Bonne journée,


vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2008
J'ai eu un feed-back sur le meeting de Laurent

8 personnes sont venues.

Il y aura une prochaîne réunion vers mi février mais un vendredi. L'endroit est encore à définir

il y avait 2 'étrangers : 1 russe et 1 colombien'
blade profile picture bladeJanuary 2008

Thx for the invitation. Count me in!

I 'm having trouble  registering  though...



orque profile picture orqueJanuary 2008
Hello Vincent,

I am sorry but I think I won't be able to come. I enrolled for the polyglott meeting of this Saturday but apparently it is impossible to unsubscribe on the site.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Best regards.

roseline profile picture roselineJanuary 2008
I will do all what I can to come... promise ...

a very nice idea

very interesting to have a meeting in Brussels,

I write with or met people in England , Hungary, Vancouver and Hong Kong with foreign languages sites....

and we have treasures in belgium. too ...

happy to meet you soon

vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2008
Great Laurent !!

I have sent another mailing to members in Belgium = 2081

I wish you all to have fun during your meeting !!!

don't forget to take pictures and post them on the site

ANYONE can LEAVE his mobile PHONE NUMBER ??? I think it could help a lot in case people get lost


atyma profile picture atymaJanuary 2008
Well then, has the time changed or is it still on Saturday? I'm not sure I'll be free but if I am I definitely want to come. So let me know, ok?