practique french & all languages!

Опис події


omniaa profile picture omniaaNovember 2013
ok haagens dazs good for me, i have 1 baby, any problem??
socrate profile picture socrateNovember 2013
well, the café where I met friends yesterday was Haagens Dazs next the Louise station, small, quiet, not bad
SWEETBIRD profile picture SWEETBIRDNovember 2013
Hello everybody , I d like to speak english , but the idea is also meet people. Now about the coffee shop ? Socrate any feedback ? and the time please 4:30 or later ?
omniaa profile picture omniaaNovember 2013
Si yo tambien quiero conocer gente y me gustaria practicar frances, yo hablo espanol y arabe, yo tengo un bebe de dos meses y soy marroqui, al final en que cafeteria es y la hora no la cambiamos? Ami me va bien, un saludo.
socrate profile picture socrateNovember 2013

For me English or German. But the idea is also meet people. I will try to bring some friends

SWEETBIRD profile picture SWEETBIRDNovember 2013
I think that all coffee shop are noisy , it is very difficult to find a perfect place and if we are just 3 people interested (Socrate, me and Omnia) , I think we can go to Belga near Flagey place... Now I agree with Fredschmiz , which language would you like to practice , I'd like english.
fredschmitz profile picture fredschmitzNovember 2013

Hello Socrate, 

My experience says that the Belga is (much) NOISY ! It's not a good place for having a conversation group !

By the way, I finally won't be able to attend the event and I'll unsuscribe ... sorry, what language would you like to practice ? It is not clear ...
