Polyglot Brussels Traditional Meeting!

Descripción del evento

  • Fecha: Nov 27, 2010
  • Tiempo: 19:00
  • Dirección: Dirección visible para los asistentes
  • Número de teléfono: 0479244273

Dear Polyglots!

Take every opportunity to speak! (Brussels, Belgium)Take every opportunity to speak! (Brussels, Belgium)Take every opportunity to speak! (Brussels, Belgium)Take every opportunity to speak! (Brussels, Belgium)


The next meeting will be held on the 27th of November!


Come one, come all and bring your friends, too, if you are looking for lively discussions on all topics under the sun. We speak German and Russian as well as English, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and and and ...

Please click here to register.

Date: Saturday, 27/11/2010
Time: 7 p.m.
Place: Applique Bar, Chaussée d'Alsemberg 83, 1060 Bruxelles (Saint-Gilles)
Price: As always, our meetings are free.

Looking forward to seeing all of you and more again!



¡Hablan de nosotros!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


froschli profile picture froschliJanuary 2011


I'm interesting to speak foreign languages with you all!   When and where will you meet  hte next time in Brussels? I wish to join you all!

a presto, bis bald,


Asuscha profile picture AsuschaNovember 2010

Dear all who came to today's polyglot meeting, I'm terribly sorry that the meeting didn't take place tonight. The café where we used to meet went bankrupt and I wasn't informed about that.
Right now I am busy searching for a new place for us and as soon as I'll find one, I will let you all know immediately. I'm certain that we will have a new place by 11th December so that the next scheduled meeting can happen without any problems.

msenders profile picture msendersNovember 2010

To the people wondering how to get there:

I think the easiest way by public transport is taking the prémetro/tram to Albert and then walk. It's leaving from North station, Bourse, South station... Google Maps is your friend!

Maybe the webmaster can make a description too and put it on this page.

C ya!


joeri_l profile picture joeri_lNovember 2010

  I could pick up a few people from Central Station. Send me a personal message if you want.

sunsaan profile picture sunsaanNovember 2010

Hi polyglot friends,

I live in Liège, I'd like to come next week meeting in Bruxelles but I'd like to know if there is someone whom I could  come with because I don't still have a definitive driving licence , thanks  you for informing me.


Aramiyyara profile picture AramiyyaraNovember 2010

Hi everybody!
I would like to go to the meeting next Saturday, but i don't live in Brussels... I  live in Bruges. Is the bar easy to reach by public transport? Is it far by metro from Brussels Central?
Thanks in advance!

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2010


il est toujours possible d'organiser plus souvent,

pour cela il faut des organisateurs

si tu es volontaire fais le nous savoir




acrofoufou profile picture acrofoufouOctober 2010

Bonjour à tous, je suis nouveau sur le site et j'apprends le japonais et j'iamerais me mettre à l'italien.

Je compte venir samedi 30, y a du monde en général?

Pourquoi celà n'a pas lieu plus souvent que ca?

A bientôt