Polyglot Meeting Reloaded in Brussels!!!

Ürituse kirjeldus

  • Kuupäev: Feb 09, 2010
  • Aeg: 20:00
  • Aadrees: Address visible for attendees
  • Telefoninumber: +32(0)487107195

Polyglot meetings are the meeting point of different languages, different cultures, a perfect occasion to reflect the multicultural environment of Brussels!

Come and join this evening if you would like to practice your foreign language skills and meet people from all over Europe! We are waiting for you with German, French, Slovakian, Russian, Italian, English, Dutch, Hungarian and Esperanto speaking young people to spend a great evening with!

Meet you on the second floor of Bonnefooi!


Agnes, Anna, Nico and Olga

Nad räägivad meile!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Yooboo profile picture YoobooSeptember 2010

Sorry guys, I  will not be able to make it this week-end, I'm going to MILANOOOO  to practice Italian  but I'll like to know when is your next meeting. Please advise. Have a pleasant evening

Désolé mais je ne pourrai pas venir ce week-end, je vais pratiquer mon Italien à Milanoooo, mais dites moi quand se déroulera votre prochaine réunion. Merci, et bonne soirée à tous

Non posso venire questa fine settimana ma vorrei sapere quando sara la prossima reunione, Ciao a tutti, ci vederemo presto


Freddy, (Yooboo)

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2010

Hi Fred

Please Agnès write a feed-back !!

I can't wait to see the pictures

best regards,

fredschmitz profile picture fredschmitzFebruary 2010

Hello dear polyglots,

I discover the NEW polyglot meeting too late ! ... I am so sad, because I love it.

So how was it ? A success ? Not too noisy ?

Thanks a lot for people organizing it, I will meet you and join next time (if possible not a Tuesday because I have my Spanish lessons).

I am just reading a postcard on my wall telling : "to be polyglot is to be able to speak with love" ... so nice and true :-)


vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2010

Last reminder for meeting tonight !!

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2010

If you have enough room in the bar, you could create an event on Couchsurfing too ?

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2010

I've added the nice Logo made by Guy inside the meeting description

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2010

Hi Thiamas,

I  am not sure you would want to come directely from Senegal only for this meeting.  Polyglot meetings are great but it lasts only a few hours.
