모임 설명

  • 날짜: May 08, 2009
  • 시간: 20:00
  • Address: 참석자에게 보이는 주소
  • Phone number: 0478/31.82.67




Here we go again !  .........

The doors of Polyglot Brussels  are open again for ......

a new incredible evening ! 

Dedicated to  all Languagelovers !  Don't miss it !!!       

  Many thanks to Vincent for supporting this project !     


During this meeting, we will try something new.... 

                                We will add some new tables dedicated to games in different languages !

So, you can practice your favorite language on a funny way !

Of course, there will be always the other classical conversation tables to whom want talk together !


==> register here if you want to be there !!




7, rue Montagne-aux-Herbes Potagères


on the FIRST FLOOR ( P LYGL T  R M ) !

                    Journey Planner: www.stib.be         

Nearest bus stop: Arenberg, line 38  - Metro/train station: Gare Centrale


When ?

on Friday 8th  of May 2009

at 20h00


Looking forward to meeting you!

  Guy  and Maria

They talk about us!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


fredschmitz profile picture fredschmitzMay 2009

Hi everybody.

I just want to thank Guy and Maria for this wonderful evening.

I spent a very great time, speaking Italian, Dutch, Spanish, English and even some Portuguese, German and I learnt "Merhaba" which means "hello" in Turkish.

I am a fan of this event !!! ... why not doing it 2 times every month !! The more the better ! This is my idea to do it evey 2 weeks if it is possible to do it in "la Mort Subite".

Last time we went to "Le roi des belges" (pub) after the official meeting and we continued speaking languages ... you see, there are many fans :) ... I spent a splendid night and came back with the last Noctis.

Fred (le polyglotte)

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2009

Hi ! don't hesitate to INVITE ALL YOUR foreigner friends !!  

PhilippeTh profile picture PhilippeThMay 2009

Dag Guy en de anderen,

Ik heb het leuke talenspel 'NewAmigos' voor Nederlands-Engels en Nederlands-Italiaans. Misschien kan ik het vrijdag meebrengen om het te  spelen? Groetjes en tot vrijdag!



roseline profile picture roselineMay 2009

Chaque mois je me dis le mois prochain je participe à la rencontre polyglot!

en l'inscrivant dans mon ageda tout de suite je bloque la date... Est-ce pour le 12 juin?

Felicitations à ceux qui, pour la présentation, ont eu l'idée géniale des oiseaux arc-en-ciel ! super !

quelqu'un me confirme pour juin? car je devrai trouver probablement un logement pour ce soir là.

Bon amusement, have fun, bonan amuzajhon!


MissLg profile picture MissLgMay 2009


Je compte participer cette-fois et j'espère ne pas avoir d'imprévu qui me ferait annuler la rencontre


ErwinVU profile picture ErwinVUApril 2009

With this dynamic duo in charge we will be assured of a great evening.

I am probably bringing someone who is dying to practice his Greek skills. At least that is one language which will surely be present :)

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2009

Je m'inscris mais comme soutien moral

The_Globetrotter profile picture The_GlobetrotterApril 2009

Hi Katjaja,

How are you ?  It is a good idea to join our next meeting on friday 8 may 2009 at 20h00

We will organize some games on the tables ....I think it will be funny and certainly a good way to learn a language

Have a nice weekend 

See you 
