Belgium National Day - Nationale Feestdag - Fête National

Esemény leírása


vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2008
Email notification sent !

Total members in Belgium = 2355
BartDammekens profile picture BartDammekensJuly 2008
Just reminder to everybody that where having a picnic on National Day in Brussels. And it seems to be dry !!!!

We have first a picnic (+- 2 a 3 hours) and afterwords we go to the center of Brussels to see al the fun things to do in Brussels.
Like free museums, concerts, folklore or others. Direction of Warandepark and surrondings

Come and join us !

BartDammekens profile picture BartDammekensJuly 2008
This is all so in combination with CouchSurfing, let's contect the world !