learn and enjoy the language with new friendship

Event description

  • Күні: Dec 09, 2017
  • Time: 14:45
  • Мекен-жайы: Address visible for attendees
  • Price : According to order€
  • Number of Attendees expected: 10
  • MAX number of attendees: 20
  • Телефон нөмері: 01757329343

We welcome you all new learner or repected volunteer teachers !


We want to come together and talk about what we can do each other for other people. We want to increase the member of the polygylotclub.

Let's join us with your kindly heart for others greetings !

Олар біз туралы пікір айтады!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Guide20 profile picture Guide20December 2017

we are waiting to learn new language.

You can teach your mother language to others and make new frienship

monir72 profile picture monir72October 2017
Thanks for your proposal,
Best regards.
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2016
Thanks for proposal, we are sending an invitation to the members of the region, best regards, vincent, admin
Guide20 profile picture Guide20September 2016
İ wrote there as a participate fee 1000 taka .. but it show 1000 Euro I think we can solve the fee each other according to order .. thanks and regards
manw profile picture manwSeptember 2016

Nice to hear about the arrangement. I am a long time member of the club but I think this is the first time I can see gathering in my city. I will try to participate.

