Sydney Polyglots

Description de l'évènement

  • Date: Nov 30, 2007
  • Heure: 20:00
  • Adresse: Adresse visible pour les participants

Practice makes perfect! If you want to socialize and speak in foreign tongues, join me!

I would like to meet as many foreigners as possible, to talk about their cultures, and this maybe in the target language. If you are likeminded, do not hesitate to join, the more the better =)

Let's meet at the following location:
Bowler's Club
95-99 York Street, Sydney

The Bowler's Club is conveniently located on York street, in the heart of Sydney.

CLENCY PHONE NUMBER : 0401 702 080

Ils parlent de nous !

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Clency profile picture ClencyDecember 2007



Non pour moi c'est la fin


Je give up



pat profile picture patNovember 2007
Sorry to hear that, Clency. Keep at it!!!! It WILL deliver, eventually =)
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007

Hello Clency,

Thanks for your efforts. Organizing meetings can be hard at the begining but can be very interesting after a while, if you organize them on a regular basis and with a little advertizement. For better results, we have to use flyers : you can use the printable meeting flyer. and also advertize on other websites ... In Paris for my first meeting, we were 1 including me !! Now we can be up to 300.

Au revoir, let us know if you want to keep organizing in the future ...


Clency profile picture ClencyNovember 2007
I went to the meeting but only Lou turned up. This is my second disappointment. No more meetings for me


ariesangela profile picture ariesangelaNovember 2007
Hi guys, I have registered for meeting tomorrow. But I'm not 100% sure if I can come, as I have a little fever at the moment... Anyway I hope I get better tomorrow and see you all, if I can't, I will join the next meeting!
tanoshiisamu profile picture tanoshiisamuNovember 2007

Really sorry I'm going to have to cancel on you tomorrow! :o( work came up suddenly but I would definitely love to be involved in the next one organised.

Really sorry for any inconvenience



vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007


For Tomorrow meeting, I have sent another email notification to the members in New South Wales = 619

Yendis profile picture YendisNovember 2007
Great Clency! Thank you for helping out with your cell phone number. That will greatly facilitate the reunion.

If I read the profiles of the Polyglot Members who already registered for this Meeting, in addition to English, French, and Russian, there will be Spanish, Chinese, Indonesian, Malay (Walcha), Slovenian  (Mezz), Japanese and German (Tanoshiisamu).  Sounds like an interesting sample of the world's languages.

I am truly impatient to see you all at the end of this month. Someone contacted me from Melbourne to organize the same Polyglot Meeting there. It looks like more Aussies will be riding this wave!
