I am going to Brad's FREE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE MEETUP... It is the BEST... Join me, Fri, Apr 5, 20...

Descripción del evento

  • Fecha: Apr 05, 2024
  • Tiempo: 18:15
  • Dirección: Dirección visible para los asistentes
  • www.meetup.com

Looking for a language exchange group in Australia? Join Brad's FREE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE MEETUP on Fri, Apr 5, 2024, at 6:15 PM. Improve your language skills and meet new friends!
RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/omeolife/events/299766805/
Discover the fantastic location and plan your journey to the meetup. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your language abilities!
For more details, contact Brad at 0419500023. See you there!

¡Hablan de nosotros!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club