Meet & Chat with Nice People at New Secret FREE Volunteer run Restaurant in city, Sat, Nov 25, 2...


  • Datum: Nov 25, 2023
  • Zeit: 19:00
  • Anschrift: Adresse für Teilnehmer sichtbar

Join us at the exciting new secret restaurant in the heart of Sydney, where you'll have the opportunity to meet and chat with a diverse group of friendly and interesting individuals. This outdoor venue is the perfect setting to engage in deep and meaningful conversations about the secrets to living a nice, affordable, and successful life in Sydney. Our knowledgeable locals will share practical solutions and insider tips on managing the cost of living in the city. Plus, enjoy a delicious free dinner while immersing yourself in Australian language and culture. Don't miss out on this incredible event! Call 0419500023 for more information and secure your limited spot now. Please note that the Google map provided may not be accurate.

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