Armenia - مجتمع بوليغلوت

نظم اجتماع جديد هنا
اكتب اسم مدينتك :

مرحبا بك Armeniaفي شبكه بولي جلوت

Hello everyone, My name is Lilit:

I am Armenia administrator, I want to create a large network where we can help each other learn English and why not other languages ​​other Let's keep our high name Armenia.


kar1100 profile picture kar1100September 2012
just we can char,ok?
VardGumruyan profile picture VardGumruyanAugust 2012
Hi! I need to learn English as quickly as can we help each other
Naira1 profile picture Naira1July 2012
Hi, dear polyglots and language learners )

جميع الشبكات

.إنشاء حدث (Armenia)


!أنهم يتحدثون عنا

Media coverage - Polyglot Club