روح المحبة في اللغات

Opis wydarzenia

  • Data: Mar 21, 2020
  • Сzas: 13:00
  • Adres: Adres widoczny dla uczestników
  • Number of Attendees expected: 10

هل لديكم افكار لاحياء روح حب اللغات فينا

نبحث عن افكار تساعد على احياء حب اللغات الاجنبية في النفوس وتعلمها . افكار كلاسيكية او جديدة لايهم . المهم هو الالتقاء بغرض معرفة هموم الاخر وتطلعاته ومساعدته على الرقي فكريا

Oni o nas mówią!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


bezzaf profile picture bezzafMarch 2020
نظرا للحالة الصحية التي تمر بها البلاد والعالم . نعلمكم انه تم تاجيل اللقاء الى وقت لاحق. احتراماتنا للجميع.
bezzaf profile picture bezzafMarch 2020

هل لديكم افكار لاحياء روح حب اللغات فينا

bezzaf profile picture bezzafMarch 2020

مرحبا بالملتحقين الجدد بنا وكل من اعجبته فكرتنا واراد ان ينضم الينا

Fouad01 profile picture Fouad01March 2020
I hope I could participate, but it seems Oran is a very far place to catch up with you out there guys. actually I've a plenty of exciting and splendid I'd like to share it with you.
  • bezzaf profile picture bezzafMarch 2020
    we all trying to come in that day if all goes fine as planned . i like to share my consideration to your comments and your time first and then it would be great if you add more ideas to what you have given before above . and before i forget , you can send me admin of oued region application if you are interested , at least you do something in there in your region and we see if we could come to join you .
Fouad01 profile picture Fouad01March 2020

First of all; Make a very wide circle in which everyone introduces him/herself to the public. (preferably in English)

1- Afterwards You can split into different and various groups. Each group is dedicated and interested in the language they want to practice and participate in, having for example ( tag card " French" or " Spanish" ). On that Tag, you can even tell about your Level, for instance; A1 - C1 ..etc.

2- Then you can go practising and brushing up on your dream and wanted language by making some cultural and historical and even grammatical activities.

3- You can even make some competitions between the participants in order to keep the motivation quite high. 

4- Finally, you can regroup and tell about your feedbacks and opinions about this meeting, and what are your hopes and expectations for the next meeting.

Wish you guys the best of luck.

  • bezzaf profile picture bezzafMarch 2020
    Thanks man , we do appreciate your golden proposals. Unfortunatelly this meeting is a bit smaller due to many reasons , one of them is the nouveau coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 , Then we wanted just to meet and actualise our informations , i want to meet people from polyglot who are from Oran and West region ( Oranie ) . Thank you again Fouad
bezzaf profile picture bezzafMarch 2020
welcome to the new visitors who registered to this event